
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

TWU Local 100 heading for Tough Times

Well, it's been a long time coming but I just can't take it anymore. After reading the New York Times article about what transpired today concerning TWU Local 100 and Roger Toussaint, I feel the need to post some of my views.

Leave it to Roger Toussaint and his executive board cronies to run his union into the ground and into the poor house. Back in December, he decided to lead his membership down a path that had nowhere to go in the first place. Why did they go on strike? The comment was made that Local 100 members "do not work without a contract." So, the deadline was set and remember "a deadline is a deadline", according to Toussaint. Time eventually ran out and a few hours later, New York was subjected to a "selfish and illegal strike" by "thugs", as Mayor Bloomberg put it. Holiday cheers for everybody!

The strike was over just three days later on the notion that a contract was hammered out. It was sent to the membership for ratification and surprise, surprise was voted down by just 7 votes. Here is a short list of all the aggravating issues associated with this fiasco.
  • Roger Toussaint and Local 100 did show they have the power to strike regardless of what any court has to say about it. Problem: Toussaint went on strike for the wrong reasons and settled for a terrible contract that got voted down anyway. Toussaint and the Union received their punishment (and so did New Yorkers for three days).
  • Mayor Mike "Doom and Gloom" Bloomberg "led" New Yorkers for 3 days by walking and encouraging others to do the same. Is this guy kidding or what? It was more than just an inconvenience to some people.
    And, how annoying was it to hear him repeat "selfish and illegal strike" over and over again? Hey Mike, Local 100 went on strike for people that are not employed there yet. New hires would have to shell out more money than current workers do for years. Doesn't sound selfish to me.
    Another annoyance was the fact that the Mayor was calling the individual strikers "thugs." I don't remember any violence erupting. Why label them "thugs"?
    I like how Mayor Bloomberg also stated incredulously "Why can't this union work without a contract like all the other city unions? Some of them work without a contract for years." I can't stop laughing at that comment because he said it while being completely serious, with a dumbfounded expression on his face. I hope I get to be a billionaire soon.
  • Remember Gary Dellaverson and Peter Kalikow claiming "there is no more"? Gee, with a $1 billion surplus, you would think there might be. Interesting how there was a last minute vote by the MTA Board to pass their budget (in record time) just before the strike. Where did the money go? They "spent" it all just in time. This is what happens when the MTA goes unchecked. The MTA even admitted (after being exposed by State Comptroller Alan Hevesi) that they had (or have) two sets of books. Hey Peter, where's the beef?
    Funny how they started scrambling when a strike seemed imminent. Dellaverson was at the podium at the hotel saying "we are here and ready to talk" after Toussaint and his leadership got up and left.
  • I'm sure New Yorkers were really happy that they got to ride "for free" on certain days (just before the holidays) offered by the MTA. What a scam! For all you regular riders, you know exactly what I'm talking about. The MTA claimed this promotion cost them $50 million. Did New Yorkers really need this promotion? I'm sure New Yorkers (ALL NEW YORKERS - some of us drive) would not have objected to the MTA giving that money to their workers. It works out to about $1500.00 per worker. Oh, who am I kidding, we really prefer a strike and 3 days of misery. It's more fun! At least some of us saved a few dollars on a Metrocard promotion (and lost hundreds of dollars by not going to work or thousands if you own a business).
  • Governor George Pataki stood by and watched for the most part. Why should he get involved? Local 100 never supported him once when he ran for Governor. There is one surprise in all this however. Anybody know what it is? It has to do with any future strikes by transit workers. All I can say is you better plan your vacation right around the end of the next contract (if one is ever ratified).
  • Roger Toussaint's ridiculous effort to force a re-vote on his membership. The re-vote effectively takes the power of the vote away from the members if the second vote is a "Yes" vote. This basically means that Toussaint has even more power. If he doesn't like the results of a vote on any subject, then he can just order a re-vote until it goes his way. I wonder if any Local 100 members checked to see if a re-vote is even legal in their by-laws.
Anyway, here is the real reason everyone had to suffer through this mess: POLITICS. Politics and egos really hurt many people. Local 100 never endorsed Gov. Pataki and Mayor Bloomberg for any of their political endeavors. Local 100 has the bad habit of endorsing losing candidates for Governor and Mayor (and presidential candidates like Howard Dean. Remember him?). Peter Kalikow and some (or is it most? I'm not sure on this one, so don't hold me to percentages) on the MTA board were appointed by Pataki. Is it any wonder why they would take such a hard line on the Union? Roger Toussaint came across as a tough leader but in the end he'll be remembered for his ego and ruining Local 100 (and taking care of himself by giving himself a 10% raise recently).

Oh, there is so much more but in the end, who really cares. As long as there is train and bus service running, nobody cares (until there's another fare hike). The only people that do care now are the Local 100 members who now have less money and more headaches than they can handle.


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